Torque release technique is a specialized adjustment chiropractic technique that can correct subluxation or spinal misalignments in a gentle and non-invasive means. This supports the overall goal of chiropractic care, to build on and encourage the body’s ability to naturally heal injuries and illness, and better adapt to the stresses of daily life.
With TRT, the chiropractor gently and specifically adjusts the spine, creating a more normal tone to the nervous system, which is why it is also known as tonal technique. When your spinal tone is too high, you can experience stress to your musculoskeletal system, dysfunction in the organs, and a decreased effectiveness in your immune response. When the tone is too low, you can end up with weakened muscles and a variety of aches, pain and discomfort as the nervous system fails to properly conduct electrical impulses to your body.
TRT is specifically designed to solve these neurological tonal imbalances by helping to regulate the brain, spinal cord and nervous system functions. It corrects these subluxations using a specialized adjustment instrument which helps to correct subluxations, or misalignments in the spine with highly accurate and precise movements. It also includes using manual methods by hand to correct these aberrant misalignments for global postural correction and resetting nervous system function.
TRT and Your Spine
TRT uses low and gentle force spinal adjustments, which releases tension and pressure, and enables the nervous system to communicate with the rest of the body more effectively from the brain all the way down the spine and throughout the entire body. In plain terms, it encourages the body to heal and correct itself in the long term, providing improved healing, relief and overall function with health restoration.
TRT can reduce blockages in the system, ease tension, and allow the nervous system to re-integrate with the body in an optimal way, vastly improving bodily function and performance.